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An organic agency evolution

For some, working at an agency is no easy feat. Tena Hermance, however, has spent her career blazing trails at metro Detroit’s biggest...

CX management: rolling out the red carpet

Working with a digital marketing agency for the first time naturally comes with some hesitancy — and lots of new questions. That’s why a...

Michael Crank is all about the experience

The exuberant Michael Crank has joined SSDM, bringing with him a toolkit chock-full of Grade-A customer service skills, a network of...
You’re Getting “Blockbustered”

You’re Getting “Blockbustered”

"My prediction is that over the next 10 years, we are going to continue to see countless industries change in ways most cannot imagine. Burger King getting into the vegan game, Amazon flying packages to our doorstep and homes being built in 2 weeks instead...

Employee Highlight: Garry

Employee Highlight: Garry

Sales and marketing success starts with a solid understanding of the client and their needs. Garry Cole can easily understand digital marketing clients and their requirements, as he was an SSDM client before joining the team here. However, Garry is no...

SSDM Achieves IABC Double Win

Troy, Mich. -- SSDM, the premier integrated marketing agency, is being honored with two awards from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) for its campaign to introduce the ADS line of automotive diagnostic systems for client Bosch Automotive...



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