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An organic agency evolution

For some, working at an agency is no easy feat. Tena Hermance, however, has spent her career blazing trails at metro Detroit’s biggest...

CX management: rolling out the red carpet

Working with a digital marketing agency for the first time naturally comes with some hesitancy — and lots of new questions. That’s why a...

Michael Crank is all about the experience

The exuberant Michael Crank has joined SSDM, bringing with him a toolkit chock-full of Grade-A customer service skills, a network of...
An organic agency evolution

An organic agency evolution

For some, working at an agency is no easy feat. Tena Hermance, however, has spent her career blazing trails at metro Detroit’s biggest marketing and advertising agencies — and now she’s bringing that expertise to SSDM. Women leading the industry Tena...

CX management: rolling out the red carpet

CX management: rolling out the red carpet

Working with a digital marketing agency for the first time naturally comes with some hesitancy — and lots of new questions. That’s why a people-first philosophy is key when developing new client relationships. What’s the point of CX management?...

Michael Crank is all about the experience

Michael Crank is all about the experience

The exuberant Michael Crank has joined SSDM, bringing with him a toolkit chock-full of Grade-A customer service skills, a network of diverse connections and a passion for marketing. Cruising into a career opportunity While we all love a good underdog...

Winning: It’s all about the team

Winning: It’s all about the team

We’ve won another Best + Brightest award! You might be thinking, “Wow, they must be doing a lot of things right!” Well, we believe that’s true, but don’t take our word for it. Ask our team members. We did. There are thousands of awards up for grabs in the...

Is your biz (search) trending?

Is your biz (search) trending?

Marketers have access to an abundance of search data, content and recommendations from Google but let’s be honest – all of that information can be a bit overwhelming at times, especially if you don’t know where to start. Laying the foundation Most of us are familiar...

Challenging the sales norm

Challenging the sales norm

Some things in life rarely change, and sales techniques used to fall into this category – until now. Let’s talk about one of the most impactful selling tactics: the challenger. Sales for business growth The formula for successful selling has always been to establish a...



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