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An organic agency evolution

For some, working at an agency is no easy feat. Tena Hermance, however, has spent her career blazing trails at metro Detroit’s biggest...

CX management: rolling out the red carpet

Working with a digital marketing agency for the first time naturally comes with some hesitancy — and lots of new questions. That’s why a...

Michael Crank is all about the experience

The exuberant Michael Crank has joined SSDM, bringing with him a toolkit chock-full of Grade-A customer service skills, a network of...
Is Google Tag Manager part of your digital toolbelt?

Is Google Tag Manager part of your digital toolbelt?

We know reporting can be a challenge, especially when it comes to proving ROI to your C-Suite executives. Adding tools like Google Tag Manager (GTM) to your toolbelt can help you bridge the gap. Building your digital toolbelt In the world of digital marketing, we fall...

Are you content with your content?

Are you content with your content?

For good reason, and this year, more than ever, content really is king. Are you curious why it’s on the priority list for the marketers we surveyed? Because it now needs to be a high priority for any internal marketing team’s resource management plan. Not every team...

The new marketing model: Do more with less

The new marketing model: Do more with less

The measures of success for marketers have finally become much clearer. Or have they? Although the science of marketing has opened new avenues for measurement, an SSDM exclusive survey shows that marketing leaders are still conflicted about goals and results....

From symphony to synchrony

From symphony to synchrony

The nexus of technology and creativity is the sweet spot for SSDM creative director and partner, Michael J. Taylor II. Creative problem solving In an earlier career iteration, as a music producer and recording engineer, I came to appreciate the blending of technology...

Creating content guidelines

Creating content guidelines

Have you ever seen a fast-food chain poke fun at its competitors on Twitter? Or maybe a professional sports team is feuding with its opponent before a big game? These brands have created unique identities, personalities and highly specific content...



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