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2018 is almost here! Can you believe it? This year has flown by, but we couldn’t be more excited for all the possibilities the new year holds. As the countdown approaches, all of us at SS Digital Media are thinking about our New Year’s Resolutions. Check ‘em out!

Nick Skislak: Founder

“I’d like to get better at doing more with less. I’m going to work on cutting out ‘stuff’ and getting deep into what really matters. I’d also like to read a book a month.”

Michael J. Taylor II: Creative Director, Partner

“My goal in 2018 is to record two new music albums and visit a few new art museums.”

Amanda Friedt: Accounts & Operations Director, Partner

“In 2018, I’m really looking to continue to grow and make an impact in the industry. Stay tuned…”

Mike Muscat: Digital Marketing Manager

“Continue to improve on time management and my ability to not get absorbed by “the swirl.” It’s all about the big picture, people! Oh, and if I could go all year without a car incident that would be nice too.”

Allyssa Costanza: Digital Marketing Strategist

“Go to the gym more often (haha, just kidding!). In all seriousness, I’d like to be more organized.”

Tessa Feeley: Account Manager

“I want to travel more and decrease my chocolate consumption, ha we’ll see how that goes.”

Laura Oliveto: VP Business Development

“My resolution is the same as it is every year … to get better at managing time, our most precious resource. It’s a life-long goal and one that I continue to try to master.”

Garry Cole: VP Business Development

“Wake up everyday with purpose. OK, well at least most days.”

Elise Hubel: Account Executive

“I’m hoping to stay up later, go out more and stop putting on my pajamas at 7:30 every night.”

Natalie Roosa: Senior Visual Designer

“For 2018 I would like a functioning and healed right foot. Also cut back on Starbucks…or at least try…”

Shaina Biro: Administrative Assistant

“To continue to grow as a person and employee but most of all mother. I would definitely like to take more time for myself, by learning, exploring and doing things that I love to help build my inner peace.”

Sarah Barker: Content Coordinator

“To start eating better, save more money and to stop taking everything so personally.”

Dave Salazar: Senior Developer

“The same resolution we have every year Pinky, taking over the world! Narf!”

What’s your resolution for the New Year?

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