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EP9: Building trust – Part 2

EP9: Building trust – Part 2

Here are 10 more ways to build trust. Yes it is that important when establishing a relationship with a new client prospect. Contact Us     Call Us +1 248 629 9594 Find Us Michigan 850 Stephenson Hwy, Suite 700 Troy, MI 48083 Florida 100 N. Laura Street,...
EP8: 20 Ways to Build Trust – Part 1

EP8: 20 Ways to Build Trust – Part 1

Trust is so important when building relationships with prospects. Tune in to this week’s Two-Minute Tuesday to discover 10 out of the 20 ways to build trust! Contact Us     Call Us +1 248 629 9594 Find Us Michigan 850 Stephenson Hwy, Suite 700 Troy, MI...
EP7: Four Things You Should Do Every Week

EP7: Four Things You Should Do Every Week

Here’s what you need to do to keep your pipeline full. So often, our time is not our own. We’re reacting to meetings, phone calls, requests, and all this is good, but it’s time to get our time back. May I suggest that you start your week the previous Friday afternoon?...
EP4: How Strong is Your Pipeline?

EP4: How Strong is Your Pipeline?

Today we’re going to talk about database strength or how likely is it that your leads close in a timely manner to reach your sales goals? We’ll talk about three factors, or metrics, to evaluate that strength. First is stratification: Is the lead hot, is it warm or is...
EP3: How Big Should Your Pipeline Be?

EP3: How Big Should Your Pipeline Be?

Last week we talked about the importance of the database and reviewed six metrics to use to evaluate and understand your database. Today, we’ll answer the question … just how big your database should be. How many prospects do you need in your sales funnel to reach...

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