Culture, Industry, Team, Thought Leadership
International Women’s Day: Inspiring Female Figures It’s International Women’s Day! On this day, we celebrate all the wonderful achievements of women throughout our history. This year, we asked the powerhouse women of SSDM to nominate those who have inspired...
Advertising, Digital Marketing
A new term recently surfaced, and it will undoubtedly be part of the digital marketing lexicon for a while. It’s a decision technology being referred to as “multi-arm testing.” You may have even heard it referred to over the past few years as “bandit testing.”...
Business, Digital Marketing
Digital marketing has revolutionized the way we receive and perceive information. Many industries have embraced the opportunity and are now “all in,” while others are taking a more cautionary approach. It seems this is the case with the life insurance industry, in...
Design + Technology, Industry
Wait you’re not my IT team? All joking aside the web is a complex place, and it is hard for marketing directors, business owners, boards of directors, and the like to have a full understanding of its complexity. So, it is no surprise that we spend a good majority of...
Culture, Digital Marketing, Industry, Team
As someone who just kind of fell into digital marketing, I never knew how hard it would be to help find other people like me, and people that shared similar visions and values. Through the years at SS Digital Media I’ve helped recruit, train, hire and unfortunately...