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Selling life insurance in the digital age

Selling life insurance in the digital age

Digital marketing has revolutionized the way we receive and perceive information. Many industries have embraced the opportunity and are now “all in,” while others are taking a more cautionary approach. It seems this is the case with the life insurance industry, in...
IT & Your Digital Company – The Matrix

IT & Your Digital Company – The Matrix

Wait you’re not my IT team? All joking aside the web is a complex place, and it is hard for marketing directors, business owners, boards of directors, and the like to have a full understanding of its complexity. So, it is no surprise that we spend a good majority of...
Why Your Facebook Marketing Isn’t Working

Why Your Facebook Marketing Isn’t Working

Feel like you’ve been wasting your time and energy attempting to market your business on Facebook? Don’t stress. Here are a few reasons why your current Facebook marketing efforts may not be producing results. You Don’t Have a Strategy Successful marketing on...
The Art of Getting Clicks

The Art of Getting Clicks

After hours of slaving away creating the wittiest and most well-researched blog post EVER, it can be disheartening to discover that all of your hard work resulted in a whopping total of one or two clicks. You could write the most clever, interesting and entertaining...

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