Advertising, Business, Buzz Worthy
It helps to know the end-goal. Demand generation and lead generation are often used synonymously, but actually, they are very, very different. Different in so many ways, from required budget to desired results.” Aligning expectations From an agency standpoint,...
Culture, Industry, Team, Thought Leadership
International Women’s Day: Inspiring Female Figures It’s International Women’s Day! On this day, we celebrate all the wonderful achievements of women throughout our history. This year, we asked the powerhouse women of SSDM to nominate those who have inspired...
Advertising, Business, Digital Marketing, Facebook, Social Media
From organically reaching specialized groups through hashtags, to paid opportunities with audience targeting, social media has come a long way from simply connecting friends. But to be completely transparent, when it comes to social media marketing, there is a wrong...
Digital Marketing, Industry, Senior Marketing
Many people have tried using a Google Adwords campaign in the past and they haven’t had the success they were hoping for. So that means they don’t work, right? Well, no. Here’s a different perspective you might want to consider. Contact Us Call Us +1 248...
Digital Marketing, eCommerce
When a prospective customer visits an ecommerce website, their journey has just begun. Assuming that they find the right information on the site and like what they see, the next steps are critical to the ultimate goal: a sale, or a “conversion” of some sort. Email to...