Advertising + Media, SEO & Paid Search
Google made a BIG change that impacts how advertisements appear on search results pages. Google will no longer serve text ads on the right side of organic results, with an exception!Google rolled out a HUGE change to remove ads on the right side of search results. In...
Content Marketing, SEO & Paid Search
Business blogs are essentially a standard practice in today’s consumer environment. While they can be a nice touchpoint for your target audience, blog posts are also an opportunity for your company to be found more easily on the internet. A business blog post is an...
Content Marketing, SEO & Paid Search
After hours of slaving away creating the wittiest and most well-researched blog post EVER, it can be disheartening to discover that all of your hard work resulted in a whopping total of one or two clicks. You could write the most clever, interesting and entertaining...