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Where business minds
+ creativity meet
We approach every project with a creative process that yields cutting edge design with marketing-first intent.

Rome wasn’t built in a day
Create with purpose
All projects small + large start with why. We’re not creating just to create. We are creating with a purpose.

Please excuse
the paint splatter
Our starting design pallet includes a mix of inspiration, brand essence and business vision.
More than just a list of pages, we help set the path for your user’s journey.
UX/UI + Wireframes
We push functionality to the forefront with the user experience blueprint.
Design Mock + Prototype
Sketch. Design. Scratch. Repeat. Protype. It’s painting the big picture before we start to build.

Code is our
rhythm track

01. Web Development
Development is to design what drums are to a melody. Like design, development starts with why.
02. Staging
We set the stage for a bit of rehearsal, making sure everything is on key before the live event.
03. Promotion
And we’re live in 3-2-1. Here’s where the magic happens and your website makes its big debut.
04. QA, QA + QA Again
We’re not perfect but we are constantly pushing for perfection between every step in our process.
“SSDM developed our current site. Since launch, we have seen an increase in traffic numbers and the quality of the visitors. It has made us more visible to our members and potential members.”

Ready to make a masterpiece?
We craft custom design and development experiences. We’d love to chat about your vision.
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850 Stephenson Hwy, Suite 700
Troy, MI 48083
100 N. Laura Street, Suite 500
Jacksonville, FL 32202
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