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Understanding + managing
the customer journey
The customer journey is the complete sum of experiences that customers go through when interacting with your brand from first impression to brand advocacy.

Calculating for variables
Documenting each touchpoint a customer has interacting with your brand is imperative. From the first impression to acquisition to brand advocacy, we cover the entire customer journey.


Journey Point: Jessica watches a video on social media that her friends shared with her.
You never get a
second chance to make
a first impression
A tornado at its beginning sometimes cannot be seen from the ground, it is just the start of something larger. When starting a relationship with your customer they can’t really see you, they may not even know they need you yet.

Journey Point: Julia goes for a run before her first conference meeting and she notices she has some extra time to stop for a coffee.
Actions are inspired
from connecting
Action is the moment your customer decides to listen to what your brand stands for. It is all of the moving elements building momentum that provide the groundwork for what is to come next.

Journey Point: Jane tries a new deli by her house that serves organic tea after seeing her friends check-in on social media.
When the two-way
conversation starts
Our customers are not only listening to us but they are communicating back. This is where our relationship with our customers can be solidified, and the funnel can be seen from the ground. This is the moment that we can listen to them and be an advocate to their needs.
When the two-way
conversation starts
This is when our customers are not only listening to us but they are communicating back. This is where our relationship with our customers can be solidified, and the funnel can be seen from the ground. This is the moment that we can listen to them and be an advocate to their needs.

Journey Point: Jane tries a new deli by her house that serves organic tea after seeing her friends check-in on social media.
The conversion is
just the beginning
The transaction happens when your customer decides they trust you enough to give you something of value. This point in the journey is critical because it is the foundation for your funnel to keep moving.

Journey Point: Jake has over 1,000 social media followers. He posts a review of our business and shares a photo to his pages.
Your customers are
your best advocates
Advocacy happens by showing up everyday and delivering beyond expectations. This is the eye of the storm. It feels calm here and helps keep everything balanced; it is what helps drive the marketing funnel.

Understanding + Managing
the Customer Journey
Instead of focusing on a piece of the experience, see how SSDM examines the entire journey and makes strategic decisions that impact results.
Ready to optimize your customer's journey?
We have the tools to establish the customer journey you and your business need. Contact us now for more.
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Understanding the
Customer Journey