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4 hours. 5 pages of notes. Limitless pieces of essential information. Day 1 of Digital Summit Detroit’s Current Search Strategies that will Increase Your Exposure, was one heck of a session.

From SEO tips and advice on best practices all the way to random unique facts (did you know penguins have knees?), this intensive workshop certainly packed a punch. It would be impossible for me to list off all of the amazing tidbits of information I picked up along the way. So, instead, here are a few of my favorites:

Minimize the amount of whitespace and code on your site. This will help search spiders scan your page.

Rich snippets are not hard to get ahold of. Just make sure your page is answering a question specifically and completely.

 Focus on generating the right traffic, not the most traffic.

Speaker Hannah McNaughton also provided insight into all these amazing tools you can use to help you optimize your website. Again, there are way too many to talk about at once so here are a few key points she accentuated:

• Penguin SEO Tool – This tool lets you directly compare your website’s performance with changes in Google’s algorithm. How great is that?!

• Majestic Here you can analyze any website’s backlinks, including your competitor’s!

• Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines – Not a tool, but a fantastic resource. This 100+ page pdf lists all of the ways Google ranks your website and how they determine which website gets top results.

• Keywords Everywhere – An extension for your browser, Keywords Everywhere gives you the ability to view keywords, suggested keywords and their search volumes all in real time as you search.

There you have it: a quick rundown of the SEO Strategies workshop here at Digital Summit Detroit. If that’s just the start of this convention, I can’t wait to see what else the next two days have in store. Stay tuned, I’m sure there will be plenty more updates to come!

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